Imagine if Europe prevented the next pandemic, produced the first vaccine to stop brain cancer, found the treatment to slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s, produced medicines that could transform the lives of patients with chronic disease.
The potential of medical innovation is limitless.
If Europe fully seizes this opportunity, just imagine what we could achieve…

A Europe where patients get faster and more equitable access to medicines

A more competitive Europe

A more resilient Europe
A Europe where patients get faster and more equitable access to medicines
On average patients in Northern and Western Europe wait between 100 to 350 days to access new medicines. For people living in Southern and Eastern the wait is as long as 600 to 850 days. We believe that for patients, the current system is untenable. To create faster, more equitable access to medicines:
File for pricing and reimbursement in all EU 27 Member States within two years of EU marketing authorisation.
Publish yearly progress updates on the European Access Portal, as well as provide visibility on access hurdles and delays.
Work with all Member States and stakeholders to find joint solutions to appropriately assess the value of medicines and ensure early patient access to innovation.
Maintain strong, agile and resilient global supply chains to reduce European vulnerabilities and improve patient access.
A shared understanding of the root causes of delays and availability of medicines across the EU to improve patients’ access to innovative medicines.
A conversation to explore creating a system where countries with less, pay less for medicines.
A workable system for joint clinical assessment in HTA which includes meaningful involvement of the manufacturer in the process.
A more competitive Europe
Despite our rich legacy, in recent years, Europe has witnessed a gradual decline in its share of global R&D investment, while other, more forward-thinking regions have surged ahead. To regain the ground lost and reduce our reliance on these parts of the world for new diagnostics, treatments and vaccines:
Continue to invest in European R&D.
Support highly-skilled jobs in research, development and manufacture of medicines in Europe.
Partner with Europe’s academic institutions to advance science.
Pioneer new collaborations in the Innovative Health Initiative to put Europe at the forefront of medical research innovation.
Ensure the Rare Disease Moonshot launched in 2022 delivers on its promises to accelerate research in rare and paediatric diseases.
Find science-based ways to replace the use of animals for scientific purposes and the deletion of obsolete or redundant animal tests.
An EU life-science strategy to nurture Europe's innovation ecosystem and achieve EU open strategic autonomy.
A capital markets union to bolster venture capital and mitigate funding risks for biotech endeavors in Europe.
An ambitious reform of the EU regulatory framework
A competitive intellectual property framework to enable investments in the lengthy and risky development of novel treatments.
Multistakeholder collaborations to expedite translation of ideas into tangible health solutions.
A more resilient Europe
The COVID-19 pandemic, wars and natural disasters across the broader European region, and the energy and cost of living crises have hastened fiscal pressure on health systems. Antimicrobial resistance and climate change pose new and urgent threats. To enhance health system sustainability and Europe’s resilience:
Support the AMR Action Fund to facilitate the clinical development of novel antibiotics, with the objective to bring two to four new ones to patients by 2030.
Embrace the digital revolution in healthcare, partnering with all healthcare players to define new ways of working and solutions to the most pressing needs to improve people’s health.
A robust pull incentive to enable R&D in novel antibiotics and tackle antimicrobial resistance.
Strengthened prevention and immunisation programmes to reduce the burden of communicable diseases and prepare for future pandemics.
A comprehensive EU approach on chronic and rare diseases to prevent, ensure early and precise diagnosis and reduce the burden of these conditions.
Digitalisation of healthcare delivery and connectivity between healthcare institutions.
Implementation of the EU Green Deal to improve the well-being and health of citizens.