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European Federation of Pharmaceutical industries and associations

EFPIA Newsletter 1 August 2024


European pharmaceutical industry calls for Competitiveness Strategy

Nearly three-quarters of European science graduates choose to remain in the US in hubs like Boston and San Francisco after completing their doctorates.

To build an eco-system for Europe to be the location for developing and manufacturing new technologies, we need to address EU skills gaps by improving STEM education.

Read more in our Competitiveness Strategy for European Life Sciences.




Implementing Cancer Screening Programmes in the EU: key learnings in 4 Member States
30 July 2024 - Eduardo Pisani

Late diagnosis of cancer has a significant impact on survival, quality of life, and treatment costs. Detecting it early... Read more


The Pharmaceutical Industry in Figures 2024

The research-based biopharmaceutical industry is estimated to have invested €50,000 million in R&D in Europe in 2023. It is also the sector with the highest ratio of R&D investment to net sales. According to the 2023 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, health industries invested about €261.4 billion in R&D in 2022, accounting for 20.9% of total business R&D expenditure worldwide.

Read the full report here.




Explore innovative personalized therapeutic approaches for rare diseases
12 August 2024 (Online course)

Learn how recent advances in medicine research are transforming the treatment of rare diseases. Read more

Masterclass – how to unlock the potential of data sharing in collaborative projects
04 September 2024 (Online)

Join us for an interactive session that will introduce you to practical tools and resources to help you share data with... Read more

DIA Medical Information & Communications Conference
24 September 2024 (London, UK)

The 2024 DIA Medical Information and Communications Conference is designed for medical information professionals and... Read more

Why tackling chronic disease is a priority for Europe: Restating the case for investing in...
27 September 2024 (Hybrid event - Bad Hofgastein, Austria)

As Europe faces demographic, economic, and geopolitical challenges that make it difficult to increase health budgets,... Read more


What we are reading

EU needs Alzheimer’s plan with concrete measures and deadlines, says EPP’s SANT coordinator...
On 26 July 2024 (Euractiv)

Europe needs a plan to address Alzheimer’s Disease that contains concrete measures,... Read more