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European Federation of Pharmaceutical industries and associations

EFPIA Newsletter 23 November 2017




20112017 EFPIA welcomes the future location of the EMA decision has been made; now the focus...
20 November 2017

EFPIA congratulates Amsterdam on being selected as the new location for the EMA Read more


20112017 OECD data shows long-term care drive health expenditure, health outcome variations...
20 November 2017

The report provides an overview of overall health status in OECD countries, and how medical progress has contributed... Read more


22112017 EBE and EFPIA call for policy support to make personalised medicine a reality for...
23 November 2017

The Manifesto sets out the necessary next steps that will enable a change in the European policy environment Read more




10112017 Why I Won’t Rest
10 November 2017 - Nathalie Moll

The story behind #WeWontRest is a big part of why I joined the pharmaceutical industry: the exciting science, the passion,... Read more

17112017 Incentives, IP and smaller companies - Case story: Vaxeal
17 November 2017

How Vaxeal wants to change patients’ lives by improving health outcomes Read more




Assessing the impact of proposals for a Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) Manufacturing...
27 October 2017 (Publications)

A study by QuintilesIMS Read more

Working together with patient groups
11 October 2017 (Publications)

A publication from the Patient Think Tank to provide guidance for collaboration Read more

Health Collaboration Guide 2017
26 October 2017 (Publications)

Showcasing best practice collaborations between patient organisations and industry, but also local authorities, governments,... Read more


What we are reading

UK pharmaceutical sector prepares for hard Brexit as regulator exits
On 21 November 2017 (Financial Times)

Departure of European Medicines Agency focuses minds on challenges ahead Read more

State of Health in the EU
On 22 November 2017 (European Commission)

The State of Health in the EU is a two-year initiative undertaken by the European Commission that provides policy makers,... Read more