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European Federation of Pharmaceutical industries and associations

EFPIA Newsletter 4 July 2024




Joint Statement for an Ambitious FP10
04 July 2024

Investing in Europe’s Future Competitiveness through Collaborative Research, Development, and Innovation Read more


Strategic Agenda 2024-2029: an opportunity to close the gap with other regions of the world...
28 June 2024

As we begin a new EU mandate, the focus on competitiveness of the Strategic Agenda gives us an opportunity to restore... Read more




Cardiovascular health: urgent action needed on EU’s #1 killer
04 July 2024 - Thomas Allvin

Innovation and competitiveness must be at the heart of Council Conclusions on cardiovascular health Read more


Watch Nathalie Moll's speech at the Congress on Priorities and Challenges in Polish and European Drug Policy

On 5 June, Nathalie Moll participated in a panel of experts discussing the European pharmaceutical package and drug safety.

Watch the recordings below:

- European Pharmaceutical Package – a real game changer in health policy?

- Drug safety – European perspective on drug availability and development of local production


Recently published

New data demonstrates the value of regulatory data protection (RDP), and its impact on European competitiveness and patient access to medicines

New data from Copenhagen Economics shows that out of 53 countries – with and without RDP –patients in countries with RDP have three times higher availability of innovative medicines than those without, and significantly almost half of the difference in availability can be attributed to RDP.

Read more here.,can%20be%20attributed%20to%20RDP


What we are reading

The call for an EU Action Plan for rare diseases
On 04 July 2024 (POLITICO)

Driving excellence: A new EU Action Plan for rare diseases that drives innovation, creativity... Read more

Making cardiovascular health a European health priority will save millions of lives
On 03 July 2024 (Euractiv)

Only four days into its Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Hungary will... Read more

Niklas Blomberg, Executive Director, EU Innovative Health Initiative
On 03 July 2024 (Vital Health Podcast)

In this Vital Health Podcast, recorded live at the 2024 Bio International Conference,... Read more