
IHI Call Days - Call 8 Online event

The IHI Call Days for IHI call 8 will run from 17 to 21 June 2024 online, and will provide potential applicants with the information they need to put together a strong proposal, and give them the opportunity to identify and meet partners for their consortia.

Registration for all sessions is free but obligatory via the IHI Call Days platform.

Learn more here.


IHI call 8 - find partners for your consortium via the IHI Call Days platform

The IHI Call Days platform is a great place to start your search for potential partners for your consortium. All you have to do is register, create your profile and start looking for and contacting potential partners who are interested in the same topic(s) as you. You can also meet via the platform! More guidance on using the matchmaking part of the platform can be found here. The platform will remain open for new registrations and networking until the call deadlines. 

While the IHI Call Days platform is a great place to start your search for partners, we advise you to use other avenues as well - you can find further tips and advice on finding partners here.