
Inequitable and delayed access to medicines continues to challenge Europe’s healthcare systems and negatively impact the health outcomes of its citizens. EFPIA believes we can achieve more equitable and faster access across Europe if stakeholders come together to tackle the issues delaying delivery of innovative medicines.

The European Commission shares EFPIA’s ambition to bring faster, more equitable access to medicines for patients across Europe. However, the proposal to do this by via EU legislation will not work, as the reasons for unavailability and delays are almost always a combination of factors. They differ across therapy areas, they differ from country to country, and require action from multiple actors, especially Member States.

EFPIA has spent several years developing workable solutions to this problem.

EFPIA’s plans include committing to file pricing and reimbursement (P&R) applications in all EU countries as quickly as possible and no later than two years after receiving the EU Marketing Authorisation as well as creating a portal that will provide timely information and important insights as medicines move through Europe’s P&R processes. Building a shared understanding of the delays and barriers to access will allow all stakeholders to address the issues in partnership.

As more complex and potentially curative medicines flow through companies’ pipelines, the need to act is greater than ever. We are already seeing the benefits modern medicines can deliver to patients, their families, and society as they radically alter disease progression and improve survival rates across multiple disease areas. More advances in prevention and patient care look set to be realised thanks to the more than 8,000 medicines currently in development.

>> Learn more about EFPIA's concrete proposals to improve patient access to innovative medicines <<

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