Realising the potential of the European Health Data Space for Innovation Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155, 1040 Brussels
Europe is moving forward in the critical area of health data through the progress in the discussion on the legislative proposal on a European Health Data Space (EHDS).
A fit for purpose, future proof and workable EHDS will increase citizens' and patients' control of, and access to, their health data, while at the same time giving researchers and innovators the opportunity to realise the potential of health data in a trusted and secure way.
EFPIA supports the creation of the EHDS and applauds its ambitious vision of improving the health of European citizens through the power of data. Health data enables new ways of personal health care and lifestyle management. It can be integrated across various technology platforms to allow for better clinical care practice and decision-making. Data driven research and innovation can improve diagnostics, treatments and vaccines, help with detection and understanding of diseases, and develop new treatments. In short, health data could bring enormous benefits for people, healthcare professionals, and health systems.
In the ongoing discussions in both the Council and the European Parliament, a number of open questions and challenges remain to be addressed to make the EHDS a first step towards a sustainable research ecosystem that will place Europe at the forefront of the global data economy:
- What future for the processing and use of health data?
- How to ensure the interoperability in healthcare?
- What place for international transfers of health data under the EHDS?
Confirmed speakers
- Fulvia Raffaelli, Head of Unit at DG SANTE.C.1 'Digital Health'
- MEP Tomislav Sokol, (EPP, Croatia) Rapporteur in the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
- Radu Costin Ganescu, President of the national Coalition of organisations for patients with chronic conditions of Romania
- Chris Walker, Chair of the Digital Health Working Group at European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations
- Markus Kalliola, Project Director & Coordinator of TEHDAS
- Veronique Cimina, Legal Officer of Policy & Consultation Unit at EDPS
- Tuesday, 30 May (15:00-16:30 CET)
- Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155, 1040 Brussels