
United in the search of a COVID-19 vaccine Virtual event

On 9 June Vaccines Europe and EFPIA, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, hosted “United in the search of a COVID-19 vaccine”, the first of a series of virtual events dedicated on COVID-19 vaccines and pandemic preparedness.

This virtual event provided an opportunity to hear about and ask questions on the search for vaccines against COVID-19. How soon will a vaccine be ready? How are we going to make it available for 7 billion people? 

All actors, including the EU institutions, are working together in an unprecedented way to speed up the research and development processes and scale-up manufacturing capacities to tackle this major public health threat.

Following a short introduction from our three guest speakers on these key issues, Martin Seychell (European Commission), Pierre Van Damme (University of Antwerp), Jean Lang (Vaccines Europe), answered the participants' questions. 

Did you miss the event? You can watch the recording here!