DIA Pharmacovigilance Strategies Workshop Virtual event
07.09.21 - 09.09.21
Join the DIA Pharmacovigilance Strategy Workshop to discuss the current landscape and join intense and well-lead discussion that may help you to progress your knowledge and practices.

The workshop format is designed to stimulate dialogue and generate solutions through a series of interactive sessions and workshops conducted in an informal setting allowing for in-depth discussion in smaller groups.
On the 5th Anniversary, the committee and DIA team has put together an agenda with cutting-edge topics which will instigate to open dialogue around:- Current regional and global regulatory landscape;
- Sharing experience from generic companies around the Risk Management Plan: creation and challenges;
- The pharmacovigilance impact and strategy for vaccines, biologics and therapeutics;
- Utilisation of Digital Health and what implementation means for safety in the clinical and post-market space;
- Remote Inspections and Audits: lessons learnt.