EFGCP Annual Conference 2019: Making Clinical Research an Element of Better Healthcare University Foundation, Brussels, Belgium
19.02.19 - 20.02.19
For people with an interest in clinical research and healthcare it is increasingly obvious that we need to achieve an environment where clinical trials are consistently and reliably an element of better healthcare with the ultimate goal of patient centricity in treatment’ development.
There must be changes in our healthcare environment, in the clinical research concepts, in the new technology environment, in our way to collaborate and communicate, in the approach to clinical trials by sponsors, in our physicians’ knowledge and attitude towards care and new treatment development, requirements of competent authorities, HTA bodies and payers, funding and financing strategies.
The Annual Conference 2019 is such an opportunity: we want to bring all stakeholders together, discuss the current situation and jointly work out concrete suggestions for next steps achievable by different stakeholders.
The conference sessions will focus on:
- Clinical trials and novel Research & Development strategies
- Patient driven initiatives for a roadmap to health: how to ensure patient centricity in treatment development
- The need for different protocol designs and concepts
- The optimal use of other available data sources (e.g: ehealth Records or AI)
- Needs and options for concerted efforts
These speakers, representing very different stakeholders, will contribute their views and suggestions to this discussion:
- Pierre Meulien, IMI
- Denis Lacombe, EORTC
- Tamas Bereczky, EATG & EUPATI
- Ysbrand Poortman, EGAN
- Irene Norstedt, DG Research & Innovation
- Adam Cohen, CHDR-InnoS
- Otmar Kloiber, the World Medical Assocation
- Dipak Kalra, i-HD
- Magda Chlebus, EFPIA
The objectives are:
- Say it out loud: thanks to interactive sessions, you will have the opportunity to work on real-world solutions and make your voice heard
- Learn from each other: major stakeholders from the sector will be sitting around the table (researchers, sponsors, competent authorities, patients, ethicists, pharma industry)
- Share challenges and best practices
- Optimise your research strategies to achieve trial outcomes acceptable from all viewpoints
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