FAIRplus webinar: What is the value of FAIR data? Virtual event
09.12.20 - 09.12.20
Using real life examples and use cases, this online event will showcase the value of FAIR data in pharmaceutical research and make case for policy changes in relation to research data management and research funding.
It is aimed at funders and policy-makers responsible for data management policies, research managers and data scientists in industry, SMEs and academia.
The speakers include Pierre Meulien, Executive Director of EU's Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), Serena Scollen, FAIRplus project Coordinator, or Kostas Repanas, Policy Officer at the Open Science Unit in the European Commission's Directorate General for Research and Innovation.
To see the full programme, please click here.

It is aimed at funders and policy-makers responsible for data management policies, research managers and data scientists in industry, SMEs and academia.
The speakers include Pierre Meulien, Executive Director of EU's Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), Serena Scollen, FAIRplus project Coordinator, or Kostas Repanas, Policy Officer at the Open Science Unit in the European Commission's Directorate General for Research and Innovation.
To see the full programme, please click here.