
GetReal Conference 2024 | A Growing Convergence: RWE for Regulatory and HTA Decision-Making Utrecht, The Netherlands

This year’s programme offers an exceptional line-up that navigates the intricate landscape of Real World Evidence (RWE) in Regulatory and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) decision-making.

On the first day, May 14th 2024, the event will focus on the critical role of RWE. They will be hosting HTA representatives in a debate style with a focus on the preparedness of utilising RWE when the HTA Regulation comes into effect, and learning from their practical experiences of applying RWE methods for decision-making.

On the second day, May 15th 2024, there will be a deep-dive on RWE methods being applied by regulatory and HTA bodies in the use of external control arms, the implementation of common data models, and the pragmatic and decentralised approaches of future trials.

Keynotes will take you on a journey of a vision of the future where we have accelerated the convergence of RWE within and between regulatory and HTA bodies to provide better evidence in submissions, quickly resolve uncertainties to ensure patients can access medical interventions.

Cue the grand finale, the “Regulatory & HTA Town Hall”, where we “GetReal” about the practical steps forward and for all stakeholders to share their voice in advancing the acceptability of RWE.