
Advancing the precision oncology agenda in the EU Brussels

As the European Union enters a new mandate, with fresh leadership defining future legislative and policy directions, there is an urgent need to prioritise the development of more innovative and resilient healthcare systems across Europe. A key aspect of this development is the provision of personalised treatments for cancer patients so that healthcare solutions are tailored to individual needs.

The discussions will bring together various stakeholders such as policymakers, regional health authorities, patient advocates, and healthcare providers. Through an exchange on the opportunities for health systems and the tangible benefits for patients, as well as an exploration of the challenges in translating research into practical solutions, the event will spotlight successful EU initiatives and regional approaches to uptake precision oncology.

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08:30 – 09:00

Registration and coffee
09:00 – 09:30

Welcome and opening remarks – setting the scene: realising the promise of personalised care for cancer and navigating precision medicine in oncology: opportunities and gains for health systems and for patients

Merel Hennink: lung cancer patient testimony of lived experience

09:30 – 09:50

EU policy leadership: driving precision oncology across Europe from research to policy implementation

Raluca Painter: Head of Unit, Labour Market, Education, Health & Social Services, DG REFORM

Szymon Bielecki: Team Leader - EU policies, Unit H.3., eHealth, Well-Being and Ageing, DG CONNECT

09:50 – 10:20

Collaborative excellence: EU initiatives paving the way for precision oncology

Implementing personalised medicine approaches - Jolien Roovers: partner in EP PerMed, leading the work on accelerating innovation on personalised medicine; Policy Advisor, Flemish government, Department Economy, Science & Innovation, Research Department

Cancer diagnostics and treatment for all: Implementing NGS based and liquid biopsy assays in clinical practice – Marc van den Bulcke: Project Coordinator CAN.Heal, Sciensano

10:20– 10:40

Implementing precision oncology across European regions: regional champions and success stories

Driving uptake and system responsiveness – Gianni D’Errico: Regions4PerMed Coordinator, Toscana Life Sciences Foundation, Florence, Italy

Creating an optimal cancer care ecosystem – Alina Capitanu: Vice President of IMAGO-MOL Cluster on behalf of the North-East Regional Development Agency, MEDIC-NEST META-CLUSTER IN PRECISION MEDICINE project

10:40 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 11:50

Pathways to access: overcoming financial barriers in precision oncology

The economics and funding of personalised care - dr. Frederick Thielen: HEcoPerMed, Assistant professor, Health Technology Assessment (HTA), Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Patient expectations and equitable access – Antonella Cardone: CEO, Cancer Patients Europe

A representative of EFPIA OP Precision Oncology

11:50 – 12:00 Closing remarks – a call to action