Event: “Improving the sustainability of healthcare systems through better adherence to therapies. A multi-stakeholder approach”
Credit: Lander Loeckx
An interesting lunch debate, organised in partnership with PGEU, European Patients’ Forum and CPME and entitled “Improving the sustainability of healthcare systems through better adherence to therapies: A multi-stakeholder approach”, took place at the European Parliament last week.
It was hosted by the MEPs Christofer Fjellner (EPP, SE) and Cristian Silviu Busoi (ALDE, RO) and Linda McAvan (S&D, UK). The introduction was given by MEP Dagmar Roth-Berendt (S&D, DE) on behalf of Linda McAvan.
The event attracted an excellent turnout, with more than 90 participants including MEPs, academics, industry representatives and third-party stakeholders.
The panel included Professor Przemyslaw Kardas from the Medical University of Lodz in Poland and Director of the Ascertaining Barriers to Adherence Project, Doctor Chris Sotirelis from the European Patients’ Forum, Doctor Roland Lemye from Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME), Rajesh Patel from the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU) and Richard Bergström, EFPIA Director General.
UK socialist MEP Linda McAvan said that 194,000 deaths occur in the EU every year from errors with prescrption medicines relating to dosage or non-adherence.
To give you a feel for the views expressed, watch the interviews of some of the panellists, where they explain the impact of non-adherence in Europe.
Statistics and consequence of non-adherence
Professor Przemyslaw Kardas, Head of the First Department of Family Medicine at the Medical University of Lodz, says that when long-term medicine is prescribed, 50% of patients fail to adhere to the prescribed regime. (Watch the video)
The patients’ point of view
Doctor Chris Sotirelis, speaking on behalf of the European Patients’ Forum explains why some patients do not adhere to their therapies and how it could be improved.
“We need to have not only the doctor-patient relationship looked at, but also to introduce multi-stakeholder involvement”.(Watch the video)
The industry’s point of view
Richard Bergström, Director General of EFPIA, speaks of the frustration of people working in the pharma industry when medicines are not available, or are not taken as prescribed.
He calls on the EU to encourage evaluation of current approaches and to promote the exchange of best practices:
“Adherence should be prioritised in EU health programmes”. (Watch the video)
For further information, read the press release.