EFPIA supports a “kick-start” process to revitalise antibiotic research

Today, the European Commission published its “Strategy and Action Plan to Tackle the Threat of Antibiotic Resistance.”
The power of antibiotic therapy resulted in nothing less than a total revolution in the practice of medicine. Antibiotics fundamentally transformed the profession from a diagnostic, non-interventional field to a therapeutic, interventional profession.
Antibiotic resistance is a major global public health problem and is, for a large part, driven by use of antibiotics.
The rise of antibiotic resistant infections is growing, yet the number of new antibiotics under development is at an all-time low.
Today’s announcement illustrates the strong will to tackle this issue in partnership.
Urging renewed commitment, Andrew Witty, EFPIA President and CEO of GlaxoSmithKline says:
“Antibiotic resistance is a major challenge throughout the world and one that we need to take seriously. It is a challenge that the pharmaceutical industry wants to be part of solving. What we are committed to, is to work with other stakeholders to find a new approach which allows this research to be re-stimulated, restarted, and allows us to be successful in re-equipping our medicines chests with effective antibiotics which will be available on the day we need them. So that when we do have a fundamental bacterial challenge we are able to protect ourselves.”
(Watch the video below)
Without effective antibiotics, modern medicine is not possible:
- Hip replacement
- Organ transplants
- Cancer chemotherapy
- Care of preterm babies
As Michel Goldman, IMI Executive Director says:
“IMI is the appropriate instrument to implement ambitious projects which will have a major impact, not only on the pharmaceutical industry but also on public health”.
(Watch the video below)
Click here to see the EFPIA press release.
Click here to access the European Commission’s Action plan against the rising threats from antimicrobial resistance.
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