
Preparing to harness the power of one

Now is a crucial point of change for the EU. As we prepare to welcome incoming Members of Parliament, I am keen to emphasise the need to work together with new and existing policymakers towards more positive health policies. Such a collaborative approach underscores EFPIA’s proposal for an integrated life sciences strategy for Europe, “Health & Growth – Working together for a healthy Europe”. Next week we will launch this landmark paper during EFPIA’s Annual General Meetings. It outlines concrete steps needed to create a new generation of collaborative solutions that can help address the EU’s health and competitiveness challenges.

Working together, I believe we can improve health outcomes and remove inequalities; support predictable healthcare systems to speed access to medicines; and build a thriving innovative life sciences sector to promote European competitiveness. These are the three core aims of our vision. Concrete steps on how we can achieve these goals are detailed in the paper “Health & Growth – Working together for a healthy Europe”.

The paper will launch during EFPIA’s Annual General Meetings, taking place 5-6 June in Lyon. This year, we are holding our AGM in the context of BIOVISION, The World Life Sciences Forum bringing together top decision-makers from the academic, private, policy-making and civil society sectors. Top representatives from the pharmaceutical industry will join these key opinion leaders to support BIOVISION’s aim to translate innovative ideas into actionable solutions for the benefit of citizens.

The more time I spend in this industry, the more certain I become of the need for such a spirit of partnership. Our greatest success stories – and biggest learning opportunities – have come from our collaborative efforts with others. We are now facing challenges that can’t be solved by the pharmaceutical industry alone; just developing a new medicine won’t do the trick. As Europe emerges from the financial crisis, we have an opportunity to reassess financial and healthcare systems, and to pave a more positive path forward. The Power of One epitomises the collaborative spirit of this mission.

I look forward to next week’s events, where I will have the opportunity to interact with a diversity of individuals in discussions on science, medicines and healthcare. I am also excited to share our new the paper “Health & Growth – Working together for a healthy Europe” with the wider public. This is a discussion that all Europeans should be a part of – and I hope our new paper inspires you to get involved and get connected with our mission as we prepare to harness the power of one.

Richard Bergström

Richard Bergström was appointed as Director General of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and...
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