
EFPIA statement on European commission

EFPIA welcomes Jean-Claude Juncker’s strong commitment to overcome silo mentalities and looks forward to the Directorate-General Health’s contribution to a comprehensive strategic agenda by the European Commission for the pharmaceutical industry in Europe. EFPIA calls on the European Commission to show a strong political commitment towards this strategic agenda.

The programme of President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker offers a compelling vision for a brighter future for the EU. The European biopharmaceutical industry, which invests over 30 billion Euros per year in R&D and is one of Europe’s largest exporters, can support a new start for Europe through a strong contribution to the health of Europeans and to the growth of our European economy. For a thriving pharmaceutical industry, we need a thriving life sciences sector - and vice versa. To successfully ensure a strong life sciences sector in the EU, a collaborative spirit between the EU and member states is needed – as well as between research, health, economic and fiscal policies. EFPIA looks forward to engaging in dialogue with stakeholders in this spirit.