
Edition 2015

Thanks to advances in science and technology, the research based pharmaceutical industry is entering an exciting new era in medicines development. Research methods are evolving and we have many promising prospects on the horizon – from the possibilities offered by personalised medicines, to the potential offered by harnessing the power of big data. The innovative pharmaceutical industry is driven by, and drives, medical progress. It aims to turn fundamental research into innovative treatments that are widely available and accessible to patients.

Already, the industry has contributed to significant improvements in patient well-being. Today’s European citizens can expect to live up to 30 years longer than they did a century ago. Some major steps in biopharmaceutical research, complimented by many smaller steps, have allowed for reductions in mortality, for instance from HIV/AIDS-related causes and a number of cancers.

High blood pressure and cardiovascular disease can be controlled with antihypertensive and cholesterol-lowering medicines; knee or hip replacements prevent patients from immobility; and some cancers can be controlled – or even cured – with the help of new targeted treatments. European citizens can expect not only to live longer, but to live better quality lives. Yet major hurdles remain, including Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, many cancers, and orphan diseases.