
Clinical Trials in sub-Saharan African countries

High-Level EDCTP Conference: African and European policy-makers and EFPIA discuss the EDCTP-II program.

13.11.2012, Brussels: The European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) held a high-level conference this week to discuss its second programme (see below). The conference was hosted by the Department of Science and Technology of South Africa (DST) in collaboration with the European Union (EU) and EDCTP.

EFPIA under its Global Health Initiative participated aiming at reinforcing its cooperation with the EDCTP and the European Commission’s DG Research and Innovation, ensuring the forthcoming 2014-2024 programme is a success at promoting the highest level of clinical trials standards inAfrica.

Over the last months, EFPIA has launched a reflection process with the EDCTP to improve collaboration between the research-based European industry and EDCTP. This has led, in particular, to designing a joint fellowship program for the benefit of sub-Saharan African scientists. Under this scheme, the industry would share some of its core skills in clinical trials management with African scientists.

This program, for which Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn has expressed her support, would contribute to the capacity building objective of EDCTP. Training, knowledge transfer and increased capacity will assist in strengthening the local infrastructure for clinical research and as such increase patient protection.

The EDCTP is an EU-funded programme that exists since 2003. Its objective is to accelerate in Sub-Saharan Countries, the clinical development of new or improved drugs, vaccines, microbicides and diagnostics against the 3 main poverty related diseases, (HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB) and other neglected tropical diseases. EFPIA looks forward to continuing its strong and committed relation with the EDCTP and the European Commission in the upcoming second programme. 

EFPIA members companies are committed to conduct all their clinical trials in developing countries according to internationally agreed scientific and ethical standards. In so doing, they play a significant role in improving local standards and supporting the development of similarly high standards in national legislation around the world. You will find more information on this issue and clinical trials here (insert link).

About EFPIA:

EFPIA represents the pharmaceutical industry operating in Europe. Through its direct membership of 33 national associations and 35 leading pharmaceutical companies, EFPIA provides the voice of 1,900 companies committed to researching, developing and bringing new medicines to improve health and quality of life around the world. The pharmaceutical industry invests 27.5 billion on research and development per year in Europe and directly employs 660,000 people including 116,000 in R&D units in Europe.

EFPIA members are committed to delivering innovative medicines to address unmet needs of patients and reducing the burden of chronic diseases for Europe’s ageing population. EFPIA believes in close cooperation with its stakeholders to help create sustainable healthcare   systems and to develop prompt responses to health threats in Europe.

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Nicholas Elles

Communications Manager


Rue du Trone, 108

1050 Brussels

TEL: 0032.626.24.79
