
Technology transfer to third countries: how to make it a win-win situation?

Brussels, 23 January 2013: Yesterday, the MEP Christofer Fjellner (Sweden, EPP) and EFPIA hosted a panel discussion to discuss healthcare technology transfer to third countries. The aim was to discuss how collaboration between the private and the public sector could best achieve help get access to patients in all third countries. In order to have the most constructive conversation the panel was composed of representatives from the European Commission (DG DEVCO) the NGO sector (PharmaAccess) and the pharmaceutical industry (EFPIA).

The debate comes at a key time as the EU has given extensive support to the technology transfer elements of the WHO Global Strategy and Plan of Action, and a Communication on Trade and Development is under consideration.

Many views and positions were put forward on whether technology transfer was the best way to ensure access to medicines. A theme around concerted action between the public, private and NGO sector emerged, as the key problems on the ground were underlined by the participants.  Arie De Groote from Pharma access pointed out that even when local production is present in third countries “correct linkages between local production, technological transfer and patient access must be ensured”.  In line with this Eric Sattin said on behalf of the European Commission “we must ensure a conducive environment (for development) in order to get results”.  Dr Evan Lee, representing EFPIA, stated that to be able to “have efficient technological transfer the must be political stability and viable market access.”

The discussion gave a solid basis for action and how the public and private sector can articulate their strategies to be able to have the maximum amount of impact and deliver the highest quality of medicines to patient in third countries.  This was the third in a series of four discussion round tables that EFPIA is organising with the European Parliament. The final one will take place at the end of April 2013. There will be a report compiling the positions and statements from the roundtables, which will be used as a guide for both the private and public sector to see how best to address the issue of Global Health.

About EFPIA:

EFPIA represents the pharmaceutical industry operating in Europe. Through its direct membership of 33 national associations and 35 leading pharmaceutical companies, EFPIA provides the voice of 1,900 companies committed to researching, developing and bringing new medicines to improve health and quality of life around the world. The pharmaceutical industry invests 27.5 billion on research and development per year in Europe and directly employs 660,000 people including 116,000 in R&D units in Europe.

EFPIA members are committed to delivering innovative medicines to address unmet needs of patients and reducing the burden of chronic diseases for Europe’s ageing population. EFPIA believes in close cooperation with its stakeholders to help create sustainable healthcare   systems and to develop prompt responses to health threats in Europe.

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Nicholas Elles 
Communications Manager 
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1050 Brussels 
TEL: 0032.2.626.24.79 