
EFPIA publishes annual 3Rs report

EFPIA has today published its annual 3Rs report, aimed at clarifying and updating information on the use of animals in research for the development of medicines.

The report contains comprehensive information on the latest progress made by the research-based pharmaceutical industry to implement the 3Rs principles, namely: Reducing the number of animals used; Refining experiments to minimize the impact on animals; and Replacing animal experiments wherever possible with alternatives.  Via these guiding principles, the pharmaceutical industry strives to ensure the highest standards of animal welfare in the research process. 

The 3Rs report is published ahead of the European Parliament’ public hearing on the European Citizens´ Initiative “Stop Vivisection”. It seeks to underscore that not only the restricted use of animals in the R&D of innovative medicines is essential if we are to address serious health conditions, but also that science and technology evolve and deliver better outcomes.

The publication of the report also coincides with a positive statement in favour of restricted animal-based research by the League of European Research Universities (LERU):

It further aligns with a letter from several nobel laureates, published in the UK daily, “The Times”:

Magda Chlebus, Director of Science Policy at EFPIA said: "We are not defending the scientific status quo, but rather a directive that provides the best standards of protection of animals worldwide.  The initiative indicates a gap in communication, our report is a step towards closing this gap.” 

You can download the report from here.