
The European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO) signs framework agreements with service providers to establish blueprint systems

ESM (A Medicines Verification System for Europe) logo

The stakeholder organisation EMVO last Friday finalised its contract negotiations with 3 partners that will be the preferred providers to implement the repositories system in compliance with the Falsified Medicines Directive.

The repositories system will allow the verification for authentication of medicines in Europe. For this purpose 5 European stakeholder associations (EAEPC, EFPIA, EGA, GIRP and PGEU) have established in February of this year a non-profit organisation EMVO that is taking the lead in the creation of this system.

The EMVO has designed a model that ensures a practical and cost-effective implementation of these repositories to minimise the burden of national stakeholder organisation or NMVOs which eventually will be responsible for the establishment and management of the systems. This blueprint model includes a support plan or implementation package and a short list of preferred service providers.

The EMVO is proud to announce that it concluded a fruitful negotiation with 3 valued partners: Aegate Holdings Limited, Arvato Systems GmbH and Solidsoft Reply. NMVOs will have the opportunity to select a service provider best suited to establish a repository system in their Member State.

Through the engagement of the whole pharmaceutical supply chain and with the support of our new partners, the EMVO has taken a major step to secure the legitimate supply chain and to prevent falsified medicines from reaching patients. EMVO Director General ad-interim Andreas Walter said: “The agreement with our new partners brings us a step forward in the fight against falsified medicines. We would like to encourage national stakeholders to take the example of EMVO, establish NMVOs, and sign up with one of our selected service providers”.

Media Contacts

Andreas M. WALTER
Director General a.i.

c/o EFPIA Communications
Phone: +32 2 626 25 55

About EMVO

The European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO) is a Luxembourgish non-profit organisation representing stakeholders united in securing the legal supply chain from falsified medicines. Its founding members are EFPIA, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, the EGA, the European Generic and Biosimilar medicines Association, PGEU, the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union, GIRP, the European Association of Pharmaceutical Full-line Wholesalers and EAEPC, the European Association of Euro-Pharmaceutical Companies