
Claudia Calvi’s thesis on cross border healthcare wins 2015 college of Europe EFPIA prize

EFPIA would like to extend its warmest congratulations to Claudia Calvi, this year’s winner of the College of Europe EFPIA Prize. The award, first bestowed in 2001, is granted on an annual basis to a student from the College of Europe for a Master Thesis on public policies that have a meaningful impact in an area of particular interest to the pharmaceutical industry.

Calvi’s thesis, entitled, “Cross Border Healthcare and Directive 2011/24: a Follow-Up”, deals with issues surround the trans-national mobility of patients within the EU. Published in French, it explores a number of fundamental questions about the appropriate balance between the market and health, EU competence and that of the Member States, freedom of movement and fundamental rights, the legislature's and courts’ actions, and data protection issues.                                

As the winner of the 2015 Winner of the College of Europe EFPIA Prize, Calvi has been offered a 12-month work experience position at EFPIA, or with one of EFPIA’s member associations or companies. Her thesis will furthermore qualify for a place on the EFPIA website.