
EFPIA response to Reuters article "Industry weighs radical shake up of European Drug Pricing"

EFPIA notes today’s article published by Reuters, entitled:“Industry weighs radical shake up of European Drug pricing”. As an industry, we acknowledge the affordability challenges faced by healthcare systems, under pressure from rising healthcare demand. Our industry wants to be part of the solution in making medicines more accessible and healthcare more sustainable.

As part of that process, the internal EFPIA document referenced in the article was developed by a working group from across the EFPIA membership, to support continued dialogue with governments and healthcare systems in finding solutions to make medicines accessible and healthcare more sustainable, whilst securing future medical innovation.

People all over Europe are living longer, healthier and more productive lives thanks to the innovative medicines developed by our industry, and with over 7000 medicines in development, the exciting new wave of pharmaceutical innovation will play a key role in addressing the challenges faced by patients and healthcare systems.

In the future, we believe we can contribute to more sustainable healthcare systems by developing new pricing models, such as outcomes-based, or value-based contracts. This has started in a number of countries, and requires partnering with patients, healthcare providers, payers and industry to create real breakthrough. The document, leaked without our knowledge, will be discussed at the EFPIA Board later this month, and is part of an on-going dialogue based on our commitment to the long-term sustainability of healthcare in Europe.