EFPIA response to the European Commission’s ‘Competitiveness Compass’
EFPIA welcomes the publication of the Competitiveness Compass and the recognition of the role that innovation in life sciences can play in reigniting EU competitiveness.
EFPIA also strongly supports the objective of simplification and coordination of the EU regulatory environment as a key component of the region’s competitiveness.
Nathalie Moll, EFPIA Director General, said:
“Our industry fully supports the EU’s goal of rekindling growth, and the objectives outlined in the Compass. We look forward to actively contributing to these ambitious initiatives.
As the sector that contributes more to Europe’s trade balance than any other, we have raised concerns about the growing innovation and investment gap between Europe and the US and China across all areas of our business. These downward trends – highlighted in the Draghi report - include a reduced share of research and development investment, fewer clinical trials and the loss of advanced manufacturing to other regions.
The inclusion of a strategy for European Life Sciences and a Biotech Act is a significant step forward. We hope these initiatives will include a dedicated office of life sciences to ensure policy coordination and regular dialogue with the sector. We also very much welcome the proposal for increased coordination with national policies, as investment in health innovation by Member States is key to drive the innovation cycle and strengthen our regions' competitiveness.
Plans to simplify and accelerate the life sciences regulatory environment will ensure that patients in Europe can get faster access to medicines and vaccines, as will better coordination and harmonization of Europe’s clinical trials eco system.
Better recognition of the role that a strong intellectual property framework can play in improving competitiveness is also crucial if we are to match the attractiveness of the US and China as a destination for life sciences.
EFPIA has already set out concrete proposals for a life science strategy that can boost competitiveness, simplify regulation and make EU policy more coherent for the life science sector. We look forward to engaging with the Commission, Member States and health partners on these pragmatic solutions for Europe.”