Heading towards value-based health care

“Finland has driven for several years toward value based health care by enabling the more efficient use of our healthcare data”, states Sanna Lauslahti, General Manager of Pharma Industry Finland. “We need data and research to find the right indicators for different outcomes. This work needs to be done in collaboration both nationally and internationally”, she continues.
Speaking on behalf of ICHOM, Rishi Hazarika, Vice President of Implementation, Benchmarking and Education at ICHOM, said “Advancing the measurement of standardized health outcomes represents a critical shift towards enabling value-based health care and hence more efficient and effective healthcare systems for patients, payers, hospitals, and providers. Our intent is to bring together stakeholders from across the healthcare community to see how we can support that shift.”
Speaking about the wider strategic alliance partnership between ICHOM and EFPIA, Thomas Allvin, Executive Director of Healthcare Systems at EFPIA said “We are delighted to be in Helsinki for the first of a number of conversations across Europe about how to implement more outcomes-focused and value-based healthcare models, and how this approach can benefit patients, clinicians, providers, industry and payers.”
Notes to Editors
The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) is a non‐profit organization dedicated to unlocking the potential of Value-Based Health Care by defining global Standard Sets of outcome measures that really matter to patients for the world’s most burdensome disease conditions and driving the adoption and reporting of these measures worldwide.
The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) represents around 1,900 pharmaceutical companies in Europe, and is dedicated to improving health outcomes for patients and making European healthcare systems more sustainable through outcomes-based models based on measuring, comparing and incentivizing health outcomes.
Pharma Industry Finland is the organization bringing together innovation-driven companies based in life science research and development.
Pharma Industry Finland is the organization bringing together innovation-driven companies based in life science research and development.