
From Gaps to Bridges Online workshops

The Innovative Medicines Initiative funded-project PARADIGM is currently developing tools aiming to make patient engagement in medicines R&D easier for all. Supported by the Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (AIPM), the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) and the European Patient Forum (EPF), IMI PARADIGM would like to bring the conversation to the Central and Eastern European region. Our aspiration is to spark interest in improving patient engagement practices across the region and to be the first of many events that specifically address this topic for the benefit of patients and healthcare systems.

Therefore, PARADIGM will organise 3 parallel workshops online, aiming to provide the opportunity for participants to give feedback and shape the thinking about the patient engagement tools that PARADIGM is working on in order to support sustainable patient engagement across the board.

These workshops are to be held in the framework of the “From Gaps to Bridges: The Future of Patient Engagement in Central and Eastern Europe” conference that has been postponed.

The workshops will focus on three topics:

  • The development of the roadmap to making the patient engagement ecosystem sustainable
  • The recommendations on the capacity and capabilities to make patient engagement a greater reality
  • The development of the monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the value of patient engagement activities

Expected outputs are specific amendments or recommendations to the IMI PARADIGM deliverables and the consolidated findings will be presented at the Patient Engagement Open Forum 2020.